Deception of Bill Johnson

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Did Bill Johnson present as prophecy what he had already realized?

On December 9,2010 this video was posted. Curiously it was later deleted from the official Bill Johnson website.

Bill Johnson presents his revival museum project (currently under construction). According to him, it is God’s will that we honor the influential figures (of different awakenings) of the past in order to benefit from their anointing. There is a belief, as in the search for anointing on graves, that the anointings of deceased people can be “recovered”.

In the above video, he plays a prophecy by James Goll (probably students from the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry) to the public. James Goll says he had a dream that morning. In that dream he was in a huge library and the Holy Spirit would have told him that Bill Johnson was responsible for creating the largest library and museum the church had ever known. He specified that the name Robert would be important, that he would receive something from someone called Robert. As he was at that time with Bill Johnson and Oral Roberts, he points out that it is not Oral Roberts. It dates his prophecy to September 17,2009.

In the following link video, Bill Johnson says he acquired the library and objects from the Robert Liardon collection.

What is curious, to say the least, is that Bill Johnson had posted an article on his website entitled “Anointings come from honor”. This article was dated February 2,2009 and mentioned the acquisition of Robert Liardon’s collection in 2008. This page has been deleted, but as very few things really disappear on the internet, it can be found on webarchive.

So it seems that James Goll’s prophecy was about a fait accompli.

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28 November 2015 admin News No Comments

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