Bethel Church – Redding (California)

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Bethel Church is gaining momentum among churches in America and beyond. In particular, an increasing number of international students attend their [Bethel] School of Supernatural Ministry.

Bethel Church aligns itself with the movement of the New Apostolic Reformation and embraces the ideology of the Word of Faith movement as well.

Although some aspects sound appealing, their beliefs and practices unfortunately verge on New Age movement, with an alarming number of serious doctrinal errors.

We recommend that you check out this post: Spiritualism or Scam Within Bethel Church?

You can find additional information in the following posts: complémentaires par exemple sur la page Beliefs and Teachings, Influence of the New Age movement et Grave sucking/Mantle Grabbing.

Here is a glimpse:

Here is an example of the prosperity gospel taught at Bethel Church. The video features Georgian Banov preaching at the church; he teaches that God wants to cancel everybody’s debts and announces that God’s will is for people to have luxurious homes.

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